Are lollipops the new cigarettes?
More and more kids get adult diseases
Current studies show that more and more children are increasingly getting “adult” diseases. This is due to our easy and unhealthy lifestyle. The food industry is big business and also responds a lot to children with children’s advertising. It is unbelievable that for example breakfast cereals, sweets, chips, and soft drinks are promoted for children, while this food is a source of mess. They are sources of trans fats and sugars, nutrients that are known to be at least as bad as cigarettes, while publicity about cigarettes is forbidden in many countries. In addition, some products are then misleadingly promoted as “healthy” (think of cornflakes), while they are not even close to healthy. They are only convenient in our fast lives.
Dangerous evolution in kids disease
Fatty liver
Blood tests show an increased level of Alat in the blood of many children, which indicates that liver cells have been destroyed. The major cause of this is obesity
Diabetes type 2
A few years ago, an American doctor presented the youngest patient ever with type 2 diabetes at an international congress: a 3.5-year-old toddler weighing 35 kilos. In the meantime, pediatricians see similar young children at their office hours.
More than two million adults use heartburn pills each year, an ailment related to old age, obesity, smoking, and drinking. But these drugs are increasingly being prescribed for children. The use of these pills is associated with a weakening of bone strength.
Constipation is an ailment that often occurs in people over 75, but it appears that more and more children and young people use a laxative.
Sleep problems
Many young teenagers take melatonin pills every week due to sleep problems. Doctors are concerned about this because the long-term effects of these drugs in children are unknown
The use of antidepressants among young people is also on the rise. Depression and other behavioral problems such as ADHD and ADD can be remedied by consuming a healthy and pure diet and pursuing a healthy lifestyle with outdoor activities.
It is certainly recommendable to read this book about this topic: Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia
Bone descaling
Until recently, brittle bones were classified as old-age ailments, but more and more I have the impression that the disease is more often than before revealed at a young age (there is often a shortage of vitamin D3 because children play too little outside and insufficient exposure to sunlight)
Conclusion: our children do not have a healthy lifestyle
We can conclude from this that the child does not receive the food that the body requires. This is a huge social problem in Western society. Fat children are normal children in an abnormal environment.
Children grow up in an environment with an abundance of unnatural carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, potatoes, cake, candy, soft drinks, and fruit juices. Children follow their sweet instinct, so why should they eat healthily?
They also grow up in an environment with an abundance of comfort. Children follow their lazy instincts, so why would you get off the couch and play outside when you can watch TV without moving?
There is an abundance of screen time. Children follow their instincts for incentives, so why would you put that smartphone or iPad away or go to bed early?
Children fight against supernatural powers. They are living an unhealthy lifestyle because as adults we have failed to create a vital environment for our children.
Economic growth has become more important than our health
The focus on economic growth is at the expense of the vitality of our children and the earth.
Perhaps it is not entirely our fault – we blame politics and industry – but we are responsible in our own environment. We have influence there.
Try to get your child to move as much as possible, Let it play outside and get dirty and give your child real food.
I would recommend everyone to watch the Netflix documentary “The Magic Pill“. This is a clear and honest eye-opener for everyone!
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