Keep your family strong and healthy during wintertime with these essential oils
A few essential oils to get you through winter
Essential oils are an excellent way to support your physical and emotional health in the winter months. Now that the days are shorter, colder, and we spend more time indoors, there are many essential oils to help you stay energized, vibrant and prevent sickness.
Essential oils have been used for centuries to aid the body in healing. They are found in the seeds, bark, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants.
Most essential oils have anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties and range in benefits from protecting us from environmental threats, boosting our mood, supporting our respiratory health, and removing toxins.
It’s important that when you’re using essential oils that they are the best quality, pure, potent and free of chemicals
Doterra is a brand that uses the purest essential oils, is kind for the people that produce it, and is environmentally conscious
Here is a list of useful oils during winter.
Melaleuca oil to boost your immune system
Since this skin-friendly plant is potent in aroma and therapeutic properties, it can do wonders for the body (internally and topically) in essential oil form. Popular for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties, it can rapidly treat cold sores when used topically: By diluting melaleuca or tea tree oil with jojoba oil and applying it with a cotton ball to the affected area, it can reduce inflammation and stimulate the immune system. Melaleuca oil has antibiotic and antispasmodic properties as well, so through inhalation, it can also soothe sore throats and break up congestion. When using essential oils topically, always do a test patch on the inside of your elbow and make sure you’re getting a pure product, that’s safe for topical use.
What it is good for
- disinfecting wounds
- fight ear infections
- immunity-boosting
- treat cold sores
- lice prevention
Directions for use
- Make a blend with lavender and use on skin irritations and cuts
- Apply behind and around-ear for ear infections
- Add 1 to 2 drops to a facial cleanser for added cleansing benefits
- Add to shampoo to prevent/repel lice
- Take internally to strengthen your immune system
Lemongrass to combat fever
Grown by family farmers in Southern India, Lemongrass produces a smoky, citrus essential oil that offers a variety of benefits to the user. For years, Lemongrass has been used in Asian cuisine for soups, teas, and curries as well as with fish, poultry, beef, and seafood. Lemongrass is also purifying and toning and is frequently used in skincare products for these benefits.
Uplifting from head to toe, lemongrass essential oil can also reduce symptoms of the common cold in many different ways. It’s nicknamed fever grass because it’s an antipyretic used in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce fevers and induce sweating. A natural analgesic, it can also be used to reduce muscle aches and pains, which is excellent for people who are experiencing cold symptoms throughout their entire body. It’s also great at lifting fatigue with its refreshing, citrusy scent that helps reduce painful headaches. Lemongrass is a great way to stimulate your immune system when taking over-the-counter medicine that merely covers up the effects of the common cold.
What else is it good for?
- It has antibacterial properties
- It has antifungal properties
- It has anti-inflammatory properties
- It has antioxidant properties
- It may help prevent gastric ulcers or relieve nausea
- It may help ease diarrhea.
Directions for Use
- Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice.
- Food additive use: Dilute one drop in 125 ml of liquid.
- Topical use: For massage, mix 5 drops with 10 ml of carrier oil. For a bath, mix 5 drops with 5 ml of carrier oil. For perfuming, mix 1 drop to 10 drops carrier oil.
Rosemary to keep you vital and alert
If you’re looking for a solid source of energy, make sure you have rosemary essential oil on hand to keep you focused while you push forward. It stimulates the mind as well as the immune system, while also supporting respiratory infections and illnesses. Antibacterial with a gentle, minty scent, this is an excellent mucolytic essential oil that breaks up sinus, lung, and circulatory congestion. A pure, undiluted form like this one works especially well in a diffuser — keep it going when you’re having trouble concentrating on your work.
What more can you do with Rosemary :
- Frequently used to flavor foods such as stuffings, pork, roast lamb, chicken, and turkey
- Energising
- Improves Brain Function
- Stimulates Hair Growth
- Helps Relieve Pain
- Eases Stress
- Reduce Joint Inflammation.
Directions for use :
- Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice.
- Food additive use: Dilute one drop in 125 ml of liquid.
- Topical use: For massage, mix 5 drops with 10 ml of carrier oil.
For a bath, mix 5 drops with 5 ml of carrier oil. For perfuming,
mix 1 drop to 10 drops carrier oil.
Peppermint is a wonderful year-round essential oil
Peppermint is really oil that is wonderful year-round but definitely belongs in a list of winter “essentials” too. It has so many uses, but you want to be sure to buy high-quality doTERRA oil for the best results.
The peppermint plant is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linneaus in 1753. A high menthol content—like that found in the doTERRA Peppermint essential oil—distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products. Frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral hygiene. Peppermint continues to be one of the best-selling favorites among doTERRA essential oils.
What it is good for?
- Headache & migraine relief
- Upset stomach
- Reducing fevers
- Flavoring baked treats or hot drinks
- Suppressing appetite
- Energy boost
- Get rid of bad breath
Directions for use :
- Dilute and apply to temples, above ears, and/or back of the neck for headache or migraine relief
- Apply topically to the abdomen or place one drop under tongue for upset stomach
- Apply along the spine to bring down a fever
- Add 1-2 drops to baked goods or hot drinks to give peppermint flavor
- Use a drop of peppermint and a drop of lemon in water for a mouth rinse
Cinnamon, orange, and Clove
These three oils are amazing when diffused together. They make your home smell so inviting and warm, and at the same time, they are invigorating and energizing. We all know that the long winter lasts, the harder it can be to be positive and upbeat. Creating a cozy home and diffusing oils that brighten the mood can help you a lot. Above all, each of these essential oils is great to use in baking recipes. Feeling drooly like the weather outside? Bake some cinnamon rolls!
What else is it good for?
- energizing and uplifting
- baking
- emotional balance
- dental discomfort
Directions for use
- Diffuse them together to uplift the mood
- Add a few drops in baking recipes (muffins, cookies, frosting, etc) to add flavor
- Use clove to relieve tooth pain
Whether you choose to make your own essential oil or purchase high-quality essential oils, adding oils to your daily routine or spiritual rituals can bring a spark to the dark days of winter. Enjoy the delights of incorporating oils into your bath, yoga, or bedtime routines.