The power of sage
About sage
Salvia(sage) is derived from the Latin word “salvere”, which means “save” or “heal.” Sage is a must-have in your kitchen cupboard. You can also grow it yourself in your garden or on your balcony. This Mediterranean wonder plant has many health benefits and has been used for centuries for all kinds of ailments.
Salvia mainly serves as an eye-catcher in the garden. In garden centers and even at supermarkets, the plants are up for grabs in the spring. This plant blooms nicely with long purple flowers. We prefer to use the soft, gray/green leaves because of the many healthy substances that are stored in them.
When you buy a plant or essential oil, look for the “Salvia officinalis”. This is the “real” sage and is delicious as a kitchen herb. Place it in the solid ground, in a sheltered spot in the sun or on your balcony in your spice bin and you can enjoy fresh sage leaves all year round. The nice thing is that you can continue to harvest in the winter because the plant is all-season proof.
You can also buy it fresh as a spice in the supermarket or you can buy sage in a dried form. Both types are suitable in the kitchen.
There are many reasons to use this herb often
Strong antioxidant so anti-inflammatory
In addition to some vitamins and minerals (including vitamins A, C, calcium, and iron), sage contains rosemary acid. This is a polyphenol: a strong antioxidant. Other powerful antioxidants in sage are carnosol and carnosic acid.
Antioxidants are important supporters for the liver and they help prevent cell and DNA damage in your body. They can thus delay the aging process and reduce the risk of diseases. They are also powerful anti-inflammatory drugs.
Good for the memory
A little about rosemary acid. This healthy substance also has a beneficial effect on maintaining good memory, even with Alzheimer’s disease. This involves a reduced level of acetylcholine, a substance that transmits stimuli to the brain. Rosemary acid prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine. Rosemary acid is not only found in sage, but also in oregano, rosemary, lemon balm, and marjoram. Most of these herbs you will encounter here at the Costa del Sol when you take a walk in the mountains.
Is it difficult for you to go to relax modus in the evening or is it difficult for you to fall asleep at night? Sage has relaxing and calming benefits. I like to take a cup of sage tea before going to bed. Or how about heating creamy almond milk with a few leaves of dried sage?
Soothes painful periods
Already in the time of the Greeks and Romans, sage was known as an effective remedy for painful periods and fertility problems. But sage can also be very effective in menopause and menopausal complaints
This is due to the essential oil in the leaf. This contains phytoestrogens. This substance has the same structure as the female hormone estrogen. Phytoestrogens (not to be confused with xenoestrogens) adapt to your estrogen level with a regulatory effect. These substances ensure a balance in your hormone balance.
Effective with menopausal symptoms
The essential oils in sage are a very effective remedy for menopause and menopausal symptoms.
Another powerful effect of sage is that it regulates your internal thermostat. This reduces any hot flashes and night sweats that may accompany the transition. This is due to the flavonoids that are in sage, substances that also fall under the polyphenols. Many natural, homeopathic remedies against hot flashes, therefore, contain sage.
Respiratory tract
Sage is also known for its healing effect on the respiratory tract. The leaves have an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect on a dry, sore or inflamed throat. They are also beneficial in other respiratory diseases, such as asthma and cough complaints. To relieve these complaints you can make tea from sage leaves, fresh or dried. The leaves have an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect on a dry, sore or inflamed throat.
Clears your house
Burning sage — also known as smudging — is an ancient spiritual ritual, where sage leaves are burned/smoked in your house. Some people believe burning sage neutralizes evil spirits that are in your house. It turns out that sage may help clear the air of lots more than bugs and bacteria. It neutralizes negative ions such as mold, pet dust, and pollution…
How to use sage in your kitchen
Traditionally, the herb is combined with meat, but it turns out that it is also very tasty with vegetables or fish. You may need to get used to the taste of sage at first. Sage is very powerful in taste and can not be compared with any other herb. A tablespoon of finely chopped sage in a dish is often sufficient, do not use too much.
Sage gives off a warm, spicy taste that combines well with sauces and stews. Roasted sage is also very tasty. For example in a vegetable dish.
Enjoy the use of Sage
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Sources :
- Forouhari S et al.: The effect of salvia officinalis tablet on hot flashes, night sweating, and estradiol hormone in postmenopausal women; International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences 5(8):257-263, 2016.